2024 WQM Weekly Results

2024 Bacteria Sampling Data

Quality Assurance Project Plan pdf

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Week 12: 8/26-8/28

Week 11: 8/19-8/21
Week 10: 8/12-8/14
Week 9: 8/5-8/9
Week 8: 7/29-7/31
Week 7: 7/22-7/24
Week 6: 7/15-7/17
Week 5: 7/8-7/10
Week 4: 7/1-7/2
Week 3: 6/24-6/26
Week 2: 6/17-6/19
Week 1: 6/10-6/12

Select Year: 20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014

Fecal Bacteria Monitoring

Click on each site on the maps for more detail and scroll down to see what we found each week in 2024.

Save the Sound collects and tests water quality from Greenwich, CT, through Westchester County, to Queens, and into Nassau County. Samples are analyzed for fecal indicator bacteria Enterococcus in brackish water and E. coli in freshwater, which are used to determine if waters are safe for swimming. The colors reflect bacteria levels at each site showing samples that passed or failed the single sample criteria for safe swimming in New York and Connecticut.

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