Habitat Restoration

Volunteers at Sunken Meadow State Park restoration plantingMuch of our region’s critical habitat is threatened, or has already been degraded or lost.

What do we mean when we say habitat? Habitats are the natural landscapes all around us: riverbanks, dunes, forests, freshwater wetlands and coastal marshes. They provide food and shelter for wildlife, protect communities from flooding and storms, improve water quality, increase property values, and support recreation like fishing and swimming. When habitats dwindle, people, wildlife, and local economies suffer.

Save the Sound is committed to reversing trends in habitat loss throughout Connecticut and the Long Island Sound region to restore key habitat and rebuild natural ecosystems for the benefit of people and wildlife alike.

Our Ecological Restoration team partners with public and private community organizations, local engineering and construction companies, landowners, and volunteers to remove dams, plant riverbanks and marshes with native flora (see a planting video here), and monitor site progress.

All our habitat restoration projects are long-term efforts. They start with careful assessments to ensure the funding, time, and effort invested in a project are spent effectively. Our Ecological Restoration team evaluates restoration projects at every stage—from first conception, to construction or planting, and for years after project completion—to make sure long-term goals are being achieved.

You can become a habitat restoration volunteer! Learn how.

Explore Further

Hands-On Restoration

Our Restoration Victories

Project profile: Sunken Meadow marsh restoration

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