How’s the Water in New Haven Webinar (English)

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How’s the water in New Haven? Is it safe for swimming? For fishing? For letting your kids play in?

Save the Sound’s clean water advocacy specialist Sam Marquand recently spent eight weeks collecting samples from five prime fishing and shellfishing locations along the Quinnipiac and Mill Rivers. Those samples were analyzed for the presence of fecal indicator bacteria, which can make the water unsafe for human contact. DNA tests were also conducted to try to determine where the bacteria came from.

Join Sam and outreach consultant Xochitl Garcia to learn about the results and talk about the water quality around New Haven.

WHAT – How’s the Water in New Haven Webinar (English)
WHEN – Thursday, Nov. 16 from 6 to 7 p.m.
WHERE – Zoom link will be provided upon registration

Interested in joining our Spanish webinar? Click here to learn more.


Please contact David Seigerman at

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