Climate Explained: A History of NYC Advocacy

Climate issues can be difficult to understand. This series is designed to deliver you what you need to know about some of the most prevalent issues in climate policy today. In 1,000 words, let’s learn the foundations of climate advocacy in New York City.  This article is written by Kaleigh Pitcher, a Policy Consultant at […]

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Guardians of Flushing Bay Joins the Unified Water Study

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMAY 3, 2021CONTACT: Martin Hain,; Malaika Elias, Guardians of Flushing Bay Joins the Unified Water Study Mamaroneck, NY – Save the Sound is happy to announce that Guardians of Flushing Bay (GOFB) is the newest member of the Unified Water Study (UWS), making them the 24th group to join! Since its inception […]

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Is New York State Giving Up on Clean Waterways for New York City?

In 2015, the New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) passed new water quality standards that finally set the goal of making waterways around the city clean enough for the public to safely swim. The new regulation would have forced a significant reduction in the volume of raw untreated sewage that is currently dumped from the city directly into its waterways every time it rains. Today New York State dropped those standards from their regulations, sending us back untold years in our efforts to address insufficient sewage treatment in the city and the water pollution it creates.

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Press Release: NYC Nitrogen Report, East River and Long Island Sound

Nitrogen from NYC wastewater fuels dead zones in the East River and western Sound. Recent investments have improved conditions, but there’s more to do. Our new report, based on research by Prof. Jamie Vaudrey, explains.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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