Photo Journal: Sunken Meadow State Park marsh planting

Nearly 60 volunteers and 10 coordinators braved the muddy conditions to plant over 3000 plants over 3 hours. This is part of an ongoing process with the goal of converting 1 acre of mudflats into salt marsh, a feat calling for 12,000 individual cordgrass plants.

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Resiliency & Restoration at Sunken Meadow Park (Part II)

Based on our successful efforts at Sunken Meadow State Park following Superstorm Sandy, we have been awarded a resiliency grant to better protect the park from future severe storms while implementing its Master Plan.

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Resiliency & Restoration at Sunken Meadow Park (Part I)

This spring, Save the Sound will begin work on our biggest habitat project yet: bringing abundant wildlife and eco-conscious tourists & students to a thriving marsh, river, and coastal park.

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Farming to Improve Water Quality

Written for the Long Island Sound Study’s Fall 2014 Update, this pair of articles provides great examples of how farming–both on land and at sea–can help reduce hypoxia and improve the Sound’s water quality.

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