October Clean Water Update: Birthday cards, Report Cards, ballot cards, and more

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Clean Water. Read other recent updates on our blog. “In youth,” wrote 19th-century humorist Josh Billings, “we run into difficulties. In old age, difficulties run into us.” For the Clean Water Act, which celebrates its 50th birthday next Tuesday, difficulty presents […]

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October Restoration Update: Recapping Community Events Across CT and NY

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Ecological Restoration. Read other recent updates on our blog. The Future of New Haven’s Lower Mill River  Last Thursday, Save the Sound hosted a final presentation for the Urban Waters Initiative Community Outreach, Engagement, and Leadership Program in the backyard tent […]

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September Clean Water Update: Happy National Estuaries Week

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update from one of our program areas. Read other recent updates on our blog: Legal, Climate & Resiliency, Protected Lands and Ecological Restoration Not to step on the toes of National Ballroom Dance Week or steal the buzz from International Go-Kart Week. But here in Long Island Sound territory, our focus is […]

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This is the first installment in a series of stories that will track the progress of our eelgrass restoration project, a collaboration featuring Save the Sound, SAVE Environmental, and the Cornell Cooperative Extension. The accompanying video is made possible by support from 11th Hour Racing. Long green stalks rise up from the sea floor like […]

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August Clean Water Update: Lab preparations, green recommendations, and salutations!

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Clean Water. Read other recent updates on our blog: Protected Lands, Ecological Restoration, Legal Actions, and Climate. Open for Business  A new lab facility in Hamden, CT, expands capabilities for fecal indicator bacteria monitoring For a couple of years, a perfectly usable space sat […]

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Fish Die Offs: What You Need to Know

From a distance, they could easily be mistaken for discarded trash bobbing on the surface of the water. When you get closer, though, and get a better look, you realize what you’re looking at: dead fish, often Atlantic menhaden (aka bunker). It can be a troubling sight, for sure, especially when it’s more than a […]

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Clean Water Digest: Funds and Fun to be Had

Soundkeeper Team Hits the Road Soundkeeper headed to the U.S. Capitol Long Island Soundkeeper Bill Lucey and other representatives from the Long Island Sound Study Citizens Advisory Committee went to Washington, D.C. recently with a big ask: an increase of federal funding for the Sound to $40 million. They came armed with stories of how […]

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Meet Save the Sound’s 2022 Interns and Seasonal Staff

Protecting and restoring our region’s environment is a team sport. And every summer, our Save the Sound team gets deeper and more talented with the addition of interns and seasonal staff. We’re excited to introduce you to our newest teammates, and give you a glimpse into what motivates them to join the fight to protect […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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