NYS leading on environment as legislative session ends

With the 2019 New York Legislative session now over, Save the Sound would like to share some of the many successes we think are worth celebrating—some of which you helped get over the finish line! Climate Leadership and Community Protection The New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act establishes aggressive, legally binding targets to move […]

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It’s in the Bag

It’s small, useful, seemingly innocuous, and can be found everywhere. The plastic bag. Sadly, its ubiquity is having disastrous consequences for our waterways, oceans, wildlife…and maybe even our health. Over one trillion plastic bags are produced every year. From cradle to grave, their production, use, and disposal shapes our environment from the air down to […]

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From suits to shovels, working together in 2018

Whether you were digging in the ground alongside CFE/Save the Sound staff, testifying at the legislature, or supporting our work with your gifts, you’ve done great things for our shared land, air, and water this year. Here are just a few highlights from the work we’ve done together. In the Field Fish migration on the […]

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Press release: U.S. House passes bipartisan bill to protect Plum Island

  For Immediate Release July 25, 2017 U.S. House passes bipartisan bill to protect Plum Island Regional legislators champion bill that could halt efforts to sell Plum Island to highest bidder New Haven, Conn. – For a second year in a row, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bipartisan Plum Island protection bill introduced […]

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Bringing home the bacon for LIS

April 26th was a powerful day for clean water. 18 advocates traveled to Washington, DC to protect Long Island Sound funding. NY Governor Cuomo officially signed the Clean Water Infrastructure Act for investing $2.5 billion. Washington, DC At Capitol, see full list below With Senator Schumer (middle) With Congresswoman Lowey (middle) With LI Sound Congressional […]

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Press release: Pass bill to allow direct sales of Electric Vehicles!

House Bill 7097 would allow manufacturers of electric vehicles to sell directly to consumers in Connecticut, making it easier for consumers to do their part to reduce emissions from transportation and support innovative businesses.

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Energy 101: Shifting into High Gear Towards Our Green Future

We are at a crossroads for climate change progress. At this point, it’s clear that for the next few years we will not be able to rely on the federal government to protect our environmental future. This was solidified when a fossil fuel industry insider and climate change denier was picked for EPA; the top […]

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Pipes get State and Federal Attention

Fixing our pipes has been a siren song for Save the Sound for years. Outdated pipes throughout our region are clearly one of the major culprits in contamination of Long Island Sound. New York State For the past 3 years, we’ve been working with a broad coalition of non-profits like Riverkeeper, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Advocates of NY, […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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