Want to know the grade?

It’s back to school season for Long Island Sound. Anybody who went to school understands a report card. Imagine scientific data galvanizing communities to protect their local waters? Or inspiring elected officials to fund local environmental improvements, and stimulating engineers to devise ways to reduce pollution? The Long Island Sound Report Card aims to do just that […]

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Press Release: NYC Nitrogen Report, East River and Long Island Sound

Nitrogen from NYC wastewater fuels dead zones in the East River and western Sound. Recent investments have improved conditions, but there’s more to do. Our new report, based on research by Prof. Jamie Vaudrey, explains.

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Farming to Improve Water Quality

Written for the Long Island Sound Study’s Fall 2014 Update, this pair of articles provides great examples of how farming–both on land and at sea–can help reduce hypoxia and improve the Sound’s water quality.

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2014 Hypoxia Review for Long Island Sound

While this summer is an indication of good news, we must continue the enormous challenge of pulling excess nitrogen out of the system.

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Fall Patrols on western Long Island Sound

In the past week I went on two patrols of the Sound with local fishermen and Sound enthusiasts. Getting out on the water with local boaters is the best way to explore the many local treasures along our coastline and to learn about community concerns, challenges and opportunities.

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The Sound’s mid-July oxygen readings are some of the best ever. Why? And will it hold out in a traditionally brutal August?

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For oxygen in the Sound, which is more important: the size of a sewage plant or its location?

The answer may surprise you.

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What’s the Prognosis for Long Island Sound’s Fish? We Asked the Doctor

Several factors causing major issues in Long Island Sound.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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