Bride Brook: An Alewife Success Story

Nearly 220,000 river herring have made their way up Bride Brook in East Lyme and into their spawning grounds. That’s nearly three times the average from a decade ago! This year’s count continues Bride Brook’s strong numbers and further proves the success of our 2010 restoration project.

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Resiliency & Restoration at Sunken Meadow Park (Part II)

Based on our successful efforts at Sunken Meadow State Park following Superstorm Sandy, we have been awarded a resiliency grant to better protect the park from future severe storms while implementing its Master Plan.

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Resiliency & Restoration at Sunken Meadow Park (Part I)

This spring, Save the Sound will begin work on our biggest habitat project yet: bringing abundant wildlife and eco-conscious tourists & students to a thriving marsh, river, and coastal park.

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Our Edgewood Bioswale is finished!

After nearly two weeks of labor and several rain delays, our bioswale at Edgewood School in New Haven is finished!

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Building Key Fish Populations through Habitat Restoration

It was a good summer for fishing in the Long Island Sound region.  According to the CT DEEP Fish Reports, the overall abundance of striped bass and bluefish made for good fishing in hot spots such as The Race and Plum Gut in the Sound, which provide ideal conditions for these larger fish that prefer […]

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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