Ratepayers shouldn’t be first option for municipalities funding expensive compliance projects

Municipalities across the United States, including many here in New York and Connecticut, are currently in violation of the Clean Water Act. In this blog post, Madeline Collins, Esq., a Save the Sound legal intern and Vermont Law LLM student, examines the flaws in the EPA’s recent guidance for clean water enforcement, and what should be done to draft guidance that better protects communities’ health and advances equity.

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A Time to Honor Vision: Save the Sound on Earth Day 50

Today, Wednesday, April 22, 2020, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Our organization was founded just a few years after Earth Day, with 50 members. It’s humbling to see the restoration of our natural world that they, and you, have made possible since. On this historic occasion, here’s what our president, Curt Johnson, had […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Let state choice on Clean Car standards stand!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 18, 2019 Contact: Laura McMillan – 203-787-0646 CFE/Save the Sound response to Trump administration’s revocation of CA car emissions standards waiver   New Haven, Conn. – Today the Trump administration announced that it is revoking the “California waiver,” which allows California to set standards for vehicle emissions that are more stringent […]

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CFE/Save the Sound denounces Clean Power Plan rollback

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 19, 2019 Contact: Laura McMillan, 203-787-0646 CFE/Save the Sound denounces Clean Power Plan rollback   NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Today the Trump administration rolled back the landmark Clean Power Plan, the Obama-era effort that targets coal-fired power plants and their dirty climate-destroying emissions. President Trump’s new plan will replace the Obama rule with […]

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The best defense is a good offense. (legal updates)

When it seems like environmental protections are under attack everywhere you look, the best defense can be using environmental laws to their full potential.

Here’s the latest news on legal actions we’re taking to protect the air you breathe, the water you swim in, and the lands you love.

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Taking on the Trump Administration’s Attacks on the Environment

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the Trump administration are determinedly seeking to dismantle our federal system of environmental protection. That’s why, this June, CFE/Save the Sound filed two lawsuits against the Trump administration.

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Press Release: CFE/Save the Sound, 791 others send letter opposing EPA pick

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 20, 2016 CFE/Save the Sound, 791 others send letter opposing EPA pick Organizations and individuals sign regional opposition letter to nomination of fossil fuel insider NEW HAVEN, CONN. – Connecticut Fund for the Environment and its bi-state program Save the Sound and 34 other organizations from Connecticut and New York are […]

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The Future of the EPA: Taking the Battle to Court

Legal director Roger Reynolds contemplates what the nomination of Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator means for the environment and CFE/Save the Sound’s legal efforts. Had Donald Trump spent an entire year scouring the country for someone to weaken clean air and clean water laws and repudiate America’s leadership role in the global battle against climate […]

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