Weekly Digest: Seeds, glue, shells, a recipe for restoration

Planting Eelgrass If you were swimming in Long Island Sound before the 1930s you may have felt something brush your leg. It would have been green and long and flowing, almost like a ribbon in the sea. It would have been a home to many species of fish and a breeding ground for them. It […]

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Climate Explained: Ocean Acidification

Climate issues can be difficult to understand. This series is designed to deliver what you need to know about some of the most prevalent issues in climate policy today. In 1,000 words, let’s learn what ocean acidification means for Long Island Sound.  This article is written by Kaleigh Pitcher, a Policy Consultant at Save the […]

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Return to the Scene of the Clam

You’ve heard about the needle in the haystack, right? Child’s play. Now, take that haystack and put it under 8 or 9 feet of seawater, maybe a quarter-mile off the bluffs and the beach. The visibility under that water is limited as the tide comes in near the middle of this late-May day – you […]

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