A Time to Be Grateful: Volunteers in the Thick of It

We have been reflecting on the many aspects of our work, the people involved, and the environmental movement as a whole for which we’re grateful. From the volunteers who get their hands dirty to our interns working behind-the-scenes to supporters like you who make our work possible, we’re beyond grateful to all of you!

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CT 2015 legislative session—victories and unfinished business!

As Connecticut’s legislative session ended at midnight Wednesday, hundreds of bills including some of our priorities fell victim to the clock and lengthy budget negotiations. Despite this, we saw victories for the environment including a Blue Plan for Long Island Sound, transportation funding, and the defeat of a number of bad bills.

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New York’s Clean Water Budget – A Chance to Fix Sewer Leaks Across the State

Towns around Long Island Sound and all over New York State are plagued with sewage leaks from aging wastewater infrastructure. The need is dire. In fact, 61 out of New York’s 62 counties have applied for state funding to help pay for badly-needed projects to protect public health and keep beaches open. The problem is, […]

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Now Is the Time! Check for Sewage Overflows

It’s pouring rain across our region, which makes this a great time to go outside and check to see how your local sewer infrastructure is holding up.

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Porous Pavement in Plainville

Snow and rain will filter through the pavement, keeping harmful runoff from entering sewers and polluting the Quinnipiac River.

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The Sound’s mid-July oxygen readings are some of the best ever. Why? And will it hold out in a traditionally brutal August?

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Save the Sound to Host Water Quality Forum in Mamaroneck

Join Save the Sound’s staff for a discussion of Long Island Sound water quality issues at a community forum in Mamaroneck on Wednesday evening, July 16.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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