7 Awesome Long Island Sound Public Beaches for Water Quality

 SoundHealthExplorer.org Publishes New Beach Grades for 2011-2015 Some beach goers rate beaches by the texture of the sand, or the quality of the bathrooms or the price of admission. At Save the Sound, we care about water quality. In an effort to recognize success, Save the Sound is highlighting 7 public Long Island Sound beaches […]

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25 Years for the Sound: 2016 LIS Citizens Summit Recap

The focus of the 25th anniversary of the Long Island Sound Citizens Summit—was citizens who are taking action to protect the Sound.

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Clark Avenue Beach, CT

This is the public beach for the Short Beach neighborhood in Branford. The data and field investigations strongly suggest that bacterial pollution at this beach is caused by wet weather/stormwater issues. Three stormwater drains dump either onto the beach itself or just west of the beach. So when it rains, stormwater runoff from neighborhood streets […]

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Branford Point Beach, CT

This sandy Sound beach next to Parker Park offers a picnic area and a playground. There are lifeguards on duty from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Parking in the Park lot requires a resident parking pass. In an effort to improve local water quality, the Town of Branford invested in both upgrading its sewage treatment […]

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EPA Nitrogen Strategy is Strong Start for Sound

Eight regional organizations celebrate renewed commitment to breathing oxygen back into Long Island Sound waters

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Governor Cuomo Shares Vision & Investment Plan for Clean Water & Healthy Sound

Increased clean water and environmental funding for New York State means a safer and more vibrant Long Island Sound.

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A Time to Be Grateful: A Healthy Sound for 2016

This is the eighth and final installment in our “A Time to Be Grateful” series. See all the posts here. The Sound is crying for New Year Action As you make your New Year’s resolutions, there are many ways you can help Long Island Sound. And for that, we are grateful. 2016 New Year’s Resolutions for […]

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A Time to Be Grateful: Thanks to Our Members

We are so grateful for you, our CFE and Save the Sound members, for caring about Connecticut’s land, air and water, and Long Island Sound…and for being part of our team!

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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