Launching phase two of the Beardsley Zoo green infrastructure project

Save the Sound is thrilled to launch phase two of green infrastructure retrofits at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo! In 2015 we partnered with the Beardsley Zoo to bring to life phase one of their Green Infrastructure Long-Range Plan, which identifies opportunities for managing stormwater runoff produced by the zoo’s parking lots. As a part of this […]

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Planting for the Future: Green Infrastructure Updates from the Pequonnock River

Since 2013, Save the Sound has worked to improve the health of the Pequonnock River—which drains land from Monroe to Bridgeport—with restoration projects that prevent polluted rainwater runoff and improve the ability of alewife, blueback herring, and other migratory fish to swim from source to Sound (and back again). Rivers like the Pequonnock are especially […]

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Press Release: “Plant-a-thon” celebrates fish passage opening

River herring migrate safely for first time in 70 years, volunteers plant 2,100 native plants

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Save the Sound Restores Fish Passage on the Pequonnock River

One of the biggest problems facing fish in the Long Island Sound region is Connecticut’s abundance of dams and other barriers that make it difficult to migrate upstream and spawn. Some of our most important work is removing these barriers.

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