Press Release: Old Saybrook Votes to Buy The Preserve!

Today residents of Old Saybrook turned out in record numbers and voted to purchase the long-embattled 1,000-acre forest called The Preserve.

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Press Release: Town Meeting on “The Preserve”

Old Saybrook officials and residents to discuss July 8th public referendum on 1,000-acre forest

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Final Decision by PURA on Tree-Trimming Passes the Buck

Dampens enhanced tree-trimming plans and leaves tree protection up to citizens and towns.

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Press Release: CT’s Greenhouse Gas Report Marks Progress on Reductions

Connecticut on track to meet 2020 target, but needs a detailed plan for 2050

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CT Environmental Groups Applaud Governor’s Veto of Fishing Season for Glass Eels

Fishery in Connecticut would have harmed Long Island Sound food web, other wildlife

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Press Release: “Plant-a-thon” celebrates fish passage opening

River herring migrate safely for first time in 70 years, volunteers plant 2,100 native plants

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Press Release: CFE Condemns Penalty Waiver Bill Passed By House

CFE CONDEMNS PENALTY WAIVER BILL PASSED BY HOUSE Asks state Senate to vote against H.B. 5431 to protect health, safety, environment in Connecticut

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Great Neck Sewage Treatment Plant Fixes Problems, No Longer Violating Clean Water Act

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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