CTfastrak: Transit Advocates Celebrate Launch

Connecticut’s first bus rapid transit system offers convenient, environmentally-friendly service for over 100,000 commuters

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CFE Joins Local Groups to Fight Oswegatchie Hills Development

Proposed 840-unit housing development would destroy habitat, pollute Niantic River

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Press Release: Governor’s budget invests in infrastructure for transportation and clean water

Funding for 30-year transportation plan, clean water positions Connecticut for future success

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Funding announced for CT Clean Water Fund and microgrid projects

The State Bonding Commission announced funding for clean water and microgrid projects around the state totaling $485.1 million.

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Connecticut’s Legislative Session has begun!

Electric vehicle expansion, small-scale energy generation, protections for Long Island Sound, and transit funding are just a few things on the agenda for 2015.

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Save the Sound Puts Feds on Notice: Endangered Species Call Plum Island Home

Federal government’s planned sale of island would put endangered wildlife at risk.

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Statewide Transportation Forum Spotlights Jobs Access and Technology

Advocates joined Gov. Malloy, state officials, and national guests to discuss Connecticut’s public transportation future

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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