Press Release: At Kinneytown Dam, municipalities and environmental groups take legal action to restore Naugatuck River, hold Hydroland Corp. accountable

Waterbury, Conn. – The Kinneytown Dam, owned by Hydroland Corporation, has blocked migratory fish passage on the Naugatuck River for long enough. Today the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG), comprised of the 19 municipalities surrounding the Naugatuck River, along with environmental organizations Save the Sound and Naugatuck River Revival Group (NRRG), have jointly taken […]

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Press Release: TCI Excluded from Agenda as Governor Lamont Issues Call for Special Session

New Haven, CT – Governor Ned Lamont today called the Connecticut General Assembly to meet in a limited special session beginning Monday, September 27, 2021, for the sole purpose of approving a renewal of the declaration of public health and civil preparedness emergencies that were issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lack of […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound Win for Sewage-Free Waters in Westchester

Federal Judge Declines to Relieve New Rochelle, Pelham Manor, Larchmont, and Town of Mamaroneck of Responsibility for Sewage Pollution; Save the Sound’s Case Can Proceed Mamaroneck, NY – Save the Sound announced today that the motion to dismiss brought by four towns that comprise the New Rochelle Sewer District in Save the Sound’s Clean Water […]

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Press Release: Bronin, Docs, Biz, Enviros Call on CGA to Pass TCI in Special Session

Hartford, CT – Today, Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin joined Save the Sound, members of the Connecticut TCI Coalition (representing nearly 100 advocates and supporters), businesses, and healthcare professionals at Union Station in Hartford to call on the Connecticut General Assembly to reconvene for a special session to pass the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) legislation […]

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Press Release: CT Is Failing Residents on Climate Action, New State Report Shows

Legislative action on TCI imperative in 2021 special session; new climate accountability provisions needed in 2022 session. New Haven, Conn. – Today, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection released its greenhouse gas emissions inventory for 2018, the most recent data available. It highlights that not only do emissions from the transportation sector remain […]

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Press Release: Hydroland fails to act, 2021 fish run fails at Kinneytown Dam

Seymour, CT – Extensive photographic and video documentation gathered this spring by environmental organizations Save the Sound and the Naugatuck River Revival Group (NRRG), coupled with annual fish counts from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), have demonstrated that sea-run migratory fish trying to ascend the Naugatuck River to spawn were once […]

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Press Release: Scientists Dive to Grow Understanding of Plum Island Biodiversity

NY Natural Heritage Program, Save the Sound, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and more collaborate to deepen understanding of fragile underwater habitats Orient Point, NY – This week, divers have been conducting a scientific dive using SCUBA in New York State waters off Plum Island, NY, to deepen our shared understanding of the island’s underwater habitats and […]

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Taking Climate Impacts to Congress

This year’s hurricane season has just begun, and already it’s exposing our communities’ vulnerability to storms. Flash flooding. Power outages. Inundated subways and washed-out train lines. Millions of gallons of raw sewage overflowing into streets and basements. All of which you documented. And it’s expected to get worse with climate change. So we’re talking to […]

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