Bridgeport Sewage Overflows

Location: Bridgeport, CT | Status: Active 

Summary: Save the Sound successfully advocated for the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (“DEEP”) to issue consent orders requiring Bridgeport, CT, to fix the chronic sewage overflows from its collection system. We are now tracking and documenting progress to ensure the decades overdue repairs take place on schedule.  

The City of Bridgeport’s sewage system conveys both stormwater and sanitary sewage. During periods of heavy rain, this system can overfill with untreated or partially treated sewage and spill out into the waters of the state, particularly if this system is poorly maintained. A review of Connecticut’s Sewage Right to Know database showed that the City of Bridgeport has chronic overflows of untreated or partially treated sewage from its collection system, despite previous administrative orders issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and DEEP.  

These sewage overflows result in the discharge of sewage into Ash Creek, Black Rock Harbor, Burr Creek, Bridgeport Harbor, Cedar Creek, Island Brook, Johnson’s Creek, the Pequonnock River, and the Yellow Mill Channel. While progress has been made in eliminating these overflows, there are still unresolved issues of overflows during storm events. Additionally, critical upgrades are needed to increase the treatment capacity at Bridgeport’s wastewater treatment plants (“WWTPs”).  

The latest consent orders issued by DEEP require Bridgeport to submit a Facilities Plan and Long-Term Control Plan Update, as well as to upgrade the WWTPs by certain dates. Save the Sound is tracking compliance with these requirements and monitoring progress to ensure that Bridgeport’s sewage system is upgraded and maintained.  

Latest Step: Save the Sound submitted comments on the Scoping for Bridgeport’s Facilities Plan in November 2020 and organized Water Quality Summits to inform the public on Bridgeport’s ongoing efforts to eliminate sewage overflows. 

Next Step: Save the Sound will continue to review Bridgeport’s compliance with the Clean Water Act and the consent orders, including any deliverables. Save the Sound will also ensure that the public is informed about these ongoing efforts. 

Further Reading: 

Action Opportunities: 

Last Updated: October 4, 2024 

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