Aquarion Lands/Converse Brook Preserve

Location: Greenwich, Connecticut | Status: Completed

Summary: Natural green space–forests, wetlands, and meadows–is critical for wildlife, human quality of life, and filtering our drinking water and stormwater runoff. Across our region, however, coastlines are heavily developed, making opportunities to permanently conserve shoreline open space a high priority.

Over the winter of 2019 and spring of 2020, Save the Sound advised and assisted the Greenwich Land Trust and Town of Greenwich in their joint endeavor to purchase 72.271 acres then belonging to Aquarion Water Company. The legal team shared their expertise on the statutory economic incentives available to the purchaser and the water company when drinking water land is sold for conservation in perpetuity; the parties were able to maximize these incentives, which facilitated this conservation outcome. The legal team also provided supportive comments in the disposal proceedings before the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, the governing body charged with approving the sale. The woodland property is in the Byram River watershed, threaded with colonial-era stone walls, and adjacent to an existing greenway. The Land Trust and Town purchased the property in September 2020, now known as the Converse Brook Preserve. The Land Trust will manage the property–now Greenwich’s largest preserve!–for healthy wildlife habitat, recreation, and educational programming through guided walks and hikes, nature study, and family events.

Last Step: Purchase finalized September 30, 2020

Further Reading:

Action Opportunities:

Last Updated: November 1, 2022

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