red boots and a shovel, representing our toolbox

Our Toolbox

Our programs incorporate law, science, engineering, and grassroots advocacy for a holistic approach to solving our region’s toughest environmental problems. Working in partnership with citizens like you, lawmakers, and allied organizations, we do everything from enforcing the Clean Air Act to removing dams that get in the way of migrating fish.

We know how to achieve lasting change at every level, from your backyard to the halls of Congress. And we do it by bringing uniting our specialized knowledge with the power of people like you who are ready to take action.

Our toolbox includes Read more >

Environmental Law

Enforcing the laws that protect your air, water, and favorite natural places


Strengthening environmental protections and finding new ways forward 

Hands-On Restoration

Putting shovels in the ground to create environmental change you can see

Community Science

Residents gathering data about conditions in their own backyards


Spotting small environmental problems before they become big ones

Partnering with the Public

You making a difference by speaking up, getting your hands dirty, and sustaining our work

Environmental Justice

Looking out for the communities that need it most

Working in concert, these tools keep your air healthy, your water clean, and the natural places you love safe all across Connecticut and New York—now and for future generations.

See the Results

Over the last four decades, these tools and your support have achieved a lot.

Major Victories

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Join the fight! Memberships start at just $25 – support that’s badly needed now for a healthy, sustainable environment over the long term.

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Earth Month
Celebrate throughout the month of April by volunteering at cleanups, learning about climate action, and connecting with your community to protect our region’s environment.

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