Surprise! That’s illegal
There are a lot of silly laws on the books in Connecticut. One of the silliest? You’re not allowed to share solar energy with your neighbors.
There are a lot of silly laws on the books in Connecticut. One of the silliest? You’re not allowed to share solar energy with your neighbors.
It’s been quite a process but the Pond Lily restoration project has made great progress! Thank you to all our partners and volunteers that made this possible! We’re looking forward to watching Pond Lily grow into a healthy ecosystem. We’ll be celebrating this great accomplishment by doing it all over again! Join us for our Hyde […]
Nationwide, most people aren’t able to put solar panels on their roofs—because they rent, live in an apartment or other multi-family housing, or their roof is too shady or otherwise unsuitable. In Connecticut, about 80% of residents are unable to do rooftop solar.
On April 9, between 150 and 200 volunteers came together with Senator Blumenthal, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, state Rep. Pat Dillon, and other agencies and officials to plant native shrubs and shoots along the bank of the West River in New Haven.
Part 2 of a two-part series on Plum Island by John Turner of the Preserve Plum Island Coalition. Here’s part 1.
Last week, we joined U.S. Senator Blumenthal and other champions to announce a new federal study about preservation options for Plum Island, NY. The news of the announcement was a big hit! Federal legislators announced agency plans for a study that could advance efforts to protect Plum Island. The island, a federally-owned 840-acre property at […]
We’re moving to new headquarters to accommodate our growing staff and launching a change to our public face–one new great logo!
The brand-new coalition will support the Clean Power Plan and challenge the fossil fuel industry