Weekly Update: It’s the Climb

The Slow, Steady Climb Toward Progress on EPF Lobby Day  Somewhere along your second six-story schlep up to the 9th floor of the Legislative Office Building in New York’s state capitol complex, the irony of a “lobby day” dawns on you.   The term suggests a meeting that historically has happened in a lobby (preferably one a […]

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Weekly Update: Starting 2023 with a Bang!

Restoration projects receive impressive support from Congress  Our region’s environmental champions in Congress came through for the Sound! Three of our ecological restoration projects and one Long Island Sound-wide program have received federal funding in the 2023 spending package passed last month. We are thankful to Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from New York and Connecticut’s Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris […]

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Weekly Update: State of the states

For the first 35 minutes of her State of the State Address last Tuesday, New York governor Kathy Hochul focused on the policy priorities of public safety, mental health, and housing. To that point, she had mentioned the words “climate change” only once, as often as she spoke the words “Super Bowl.” But then Gov. Hochul pivoted to a topic awaited […]

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Weekly Update: Opening Day in Albany and Hartford

To a baseball fan, they are the two most hopeful words in the English language: Opening Day. They signal the arrival of a new 162-game season, and optimism abounds.   It’s no different in the world of that other venerable American institution, representative government. When Opening Day arrived last Wednesday in Hartford, and a promising new […]

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Save the Sound samples a gumbo of presentations at national estuaries conference

When you’re getting your first taste of New Orleans, you want it to taste like New Orleans. Which is why the first-timers on our water quality team – director of water quality Peter Linderoth, laboratory manager Elena Colon, and clean water advocate Sam Marquand – were so excited to sample the local flavor during their […]

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Weekly Update: Six Lakes, 48 Lobster Pots, 400k Herring

Six Lakes, One Vision: Resolution passes Hamden Legislative Council Most people who live in Hamden, Connecticut haven’t seen the wide paths that meander through an old-growth forest or the placid ponds that are home to ducks and swans at Six Lakes. Many aren’t even aware that this 102-acre parcel exists, hidden in plain sight between […]

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November Restoration Update: Climathon, Rye’s Blind Brook, and Data from CT Cleanup

Save the Sound Brings Living Shorelines Solutions to the New Haven Climathon  Last weekend, over 140 people gathered at the John S Martinez School in Fair Haven for a mini conference on climate change consequences in New Haven and solutions to address them. Alex Rodriguez, environmental justice specialist, and Melissa Pappas, ecological communications specialist, joined […]

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October Climate Update: Federal Advocacy, EVs, PURA Dockets, and more

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Climate. Read other recent updates on our blog. Federal Save the Sound Environmental Justice Specialist Joins GreenLatinos on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Environmental Justice Our environmental justice specialist, Alex Rodriguez, joined GreenLatinos, a national organization focused on promoting climate […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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