Connecticut Fund for the Environment

In courts and capitols, natural spaces and neighborhoods, many hands work towards one goal: the long-term health of your region’s land, air, and water.

There is no quick fix for environmental challenges. It takes sustained effort on all fronts, with the public and decision-makers working shoulder-to-shoulder to foster lasting change. This complex battle will be won both from the bottom up and the top down, with a concerned and engaged public pushing for smarter policy decisions and stricter enforcement—and decision-makers with the vision to take action.

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Together with members, coalition allies and volunteers, Connecticut Fund for the Environment works tirelessly to protect and preserve the environment. Our toolbox is comprehensive—legal and legislative initiatives, environmental monitoring and cleanup, advocacy and much more. We are an effective participant and a powerful voice that delivers results.

We’ve led the way for 40 years. Coupling your passion with our experience and expertise, we will advance the vital work to keep the air healthy, the water clean and the natural places you love safe for generations to come.

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Join the fight! Memberships start at just $25 – support that’s badly needed now for a healthy, sustainable environment over the long term.

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Earth Month
Celebrate throughout the month of April by volunteering at cleanups, learning about climate action, and connecting with your community to protect our region’s environment.

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