PRESS RELEASE: Long Island Sound gets its grades – and they’re looking good!

GOOD NEWS: “LONG ISLAND SOUND REPORT CARD” RELEASED BY SAVE THE SOUND REVEALS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT – TREATMENT PLANT INVESTMENT CITED   MAMARONECK, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut— September 24, 2018 – The non-profit organization Save the Sound released results of the 2018 “Long Island Sound Report Card” on September 24, during simultaneous news conferences in Connecticut […]

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Want to know the grade?

It’s back to school season for Long Island Sound. Anybody who went to school understands a report card. Imagine scientific data galvanizing communities to protect their local waters? Or inspiring elected officials to fund local environmental improvements, and stimulating engineers to devise ways to reduce pollution? The Long Island Sound Report Card aims to do just that […]

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Sea Barriers Proposed for Long Island Sound & New York Harbor

Update from November 19, 2018 Thanks to widespread public concern raised about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“the Corps”) proposed projects to address storm surges in the NY/NJ Harbor, as well as lobbying by Save the Sound and our allies, a waiver has been granted to increase the schedule and funding for the Corps’ […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Impaired Waterbodies in NY

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 7, 2018 Beaver Swamp Brook and NYC waterways belong on NY list of impaired waterbodies, Save the Sound says   Mamaroneck, NY – On Friday, Save the Sound submitted its formal comments on the Draft 2018 New York State Section 303(d) List of Impaired/TMDL Waters to the New York State Department […]

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Investments in Village of Mamaroneck Pay Off

Save the Sound is pleased to report that 5 years of advocacy and investments in the Village of Mamaroneck have started to produce results. For 4 years, we’ve been monitoring bacteria in Village of Mamaroneck waterways (in addition to 48 additional sites). The data are clear, we are starting to see more green – the […]

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Iconic bridges crisscross the East River as it flows through New York City neighborhoods into Long Island Sound. The East River, a “tidal strait,” plays a critical role in the health of New York City’s economy and environment—and in particular, the health and future of Long Island Sound. Save the Sound’s report, New York City […]

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Press Release: NYC Nitrogen Report, East River and Long Island Sound

Nitrogen from NYC wastewater fuels dead zones in the East River and western Sound. Recent investments have improved conditions, but there’s more to do. Our new report, based on research by Prof. Jamie Vaudrey, explains.

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Press release: NY State Approves Flawed Plans For New York City’s Massive Sewer Overflows

The plans will allow huge amounts of raw sewage to continue flowing into City waters for decades to come, endangering New Yorkers and hindering restoration efforts in Long Island Sound.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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