Press Release: Save the Sound Grades NY Sewage Treatment Plants

Save the Sound Grades New York’s Sewage Treatment Plants Plants Must Reduce Nitrogen to Long Island Sound by 2017 to Heal Dead Zone

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Guest Post: Citizens Summit to Look from Past to Future of the Sound

Dr. Drew Carey of WaterVision provides a history of Sound management and urges citizens to join him at the Long Island Sound Citizens Summit to forge the latest chapter in the Sound’s great legacy. 

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Increase NY’s Environmental Protection Fund to Clean Up the Western Sound

Fixing the sewers that are the main reason Westchester’s Long Island Sound beaches close so often is an expensive proposition.

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For oxygen in the Sound, which is more important: the size of a sewage plant or its location?

The answer may surprise you.

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Replacement of Mamaroneck Club’s Sewer is Essential

The biggest success of our water quality testing in Mamaroneck last summer was the discovery of a broken sewer pipe that was leaking raw sewage into Otter Creek, near where it empties into Mamaroneck Harbor.

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What’s the Prognosis for Long Island Sound’s Fish? We Asked the Doctor

Several factors causing major issues in Long Island Sound.

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Mussels and seaweed have the potential to help clean up Long Island Sound

While communities are investing heavily to upgrade sewage treatment plants and keep nitrogen out of Long Island Sound, researchers are studying whether mussels and kelp might be effective in removing it once it gets there.

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2013 Water Quality: Improved But Still Not Great Off Westchester and Nassau

The results are in: compared to last year, the summer of 2013 on Long Island Sound wasn’t so bad for marine life. Water quality as measured by dissolved oxygen improved over the dismal conditions in 2012 and only a relatively small area  saw drastically low dissolved readings.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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