November Restoration Update: Climathon, Rye’s Blind Brook, and Data from CT Cleanup

Save the Sound Brings Living Shorelines Solutions to the New Haven Climathon  Last weekend, over 140 people gathered at the John S Martinez School in Fair Haven for a mini conference on climate change consequences in New Haven and solutions to address them. Alex Rodriguez, environmental justice specialist, and Melissa Pappas, ecological communications specialist, joined […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound Reaches Settlement with Town/Village of Harrison in Clean Water Act Enforcement Suit

Collaborative discussions yield resolution with sixth Westchester County-based municipality as Clean Water Act marks 50 years Larchmont, NY—Repairs to a sewer system that has been falling apart for decades will be made, and water quality restoration efforts will be funded, now that Save the Sound and the Town/Village of Harrison have reached a collaborative agreement. […]

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October Restoration Update: Recapping Community Events Across CT and NY

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Ecological Restoration. Read other recent updates on our blog. The Future of New Haven’s Lower Mill River  Last Thursday, Save the Sound hosted a final presentation for the Urban Waters Initiative Community Outreach, Engagement, and Leadership Program in the backyard tent […]

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September Clean Water Update: Happy National Estuaries Week

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update from one of our program areas. Read other recent updates on our blog: Legal, Climate & Resiliency, Protected Lands and Ecological Restoration Not to step on the toes of National Ballroom Dance Week or steal the buzz from International Go-Kart Week. But here in Long Island Sound territory, our focus is […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound Reaches Stormwater Pollution Prevention Deals with Towns of Redding, Ridgefield

Collaborative discussions yield proposed consent decrees in two lawsuits with benefits for clean water and public health in the Norwalk River watershed New Haven, CT—A cleaner Norwalk River will be the result of collaborative agreements reached with the neighboring towns of Ridgefield and Redding following lawsuits Save the Sound filed under the Clean Water Act. […]

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September Restoration Update: Rain Garden in Rye, The Hutchinson River Watershed, & Upcoming Cleanups

Your Weekly Digest of Save the Sound’s Action Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Ecological Restoration. Read other recent updates on our blog: Legal, Healthy Waters, Climate & Resiliency, and Protected Lands. Installing a Rain Garden in Rye, NY Rain gardens are a form of green infrastructure that filter pollutants […]

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Outgoing STS president Curt Johnson sails the Sound, shares insights

We’ve come a long way, but a “slow emergency” still threatens Long Island Sound Curt Johnson has lived near Long Island Sound for most of his life, but sailing this magnificent waterway still has the power to evoke awe, inspire action, and teach him—and all of us—about being better stewards of its precious waters. Curt […]

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August Legal Update: Protecting Clean Water & Open Space for Your Communities

Your Weekly Digest of Save the Sound’s Action Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Legal Actions. Read other recent updates on our blog: Healthy Waters, Climate & Resiliency, Ecological Restoration, Protected Lands. As summers get longer and hotter, it’s more important than ever for people in […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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