Water, Water Everywhere

On his calendar, the two events were separated by about 38 hours and 220 miles. In actuality, aside from the venues themselves – the vast auditorium-style Hearing Room B at the Legislative Office Building in Albany and the multi-purpose room at Suffolk County Community College Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center in Riverhead – there was […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound files petition to intervene, citing environmental justice hazards at Wheeler Street waste facility

NEW HAVEN—Save the Sound has filed a petition on its own behalf to intervene in the Superior Court case of Murphy Road Recycling, LLC and Airline Avenue Realty, LLC v. New Haven City Plan Commission over environmental concerns at a Wheeler Street solid waste transfer station in the Annex neighborhood of New Haven. Save the […]

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Save the Sound’s response to environmental spending in Governor Lamont’s 2024-25 budget proposal 

“This is my budget, and within it our values, each and every one aimed squarely at economic growth and inclusive opportunity,” Governor Ned Lamont told a joint convention of the CT General Assembly when he presented his 2024-25 proposed state budget on February 8 at the Hartford Capitol.  It includes $198.6 million in FY 2024 and […]

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Save the Sound Supports Environmental Investments Outlined in NYS Governor Hochul’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024

Larchmont, NY —In a Wednesday address in which she presented her executive budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2024, New York governor Kathy Hochul spoke of the need to meet a challenge “that affects everyone that lives on this earth – and that’s climate change.” Save the Sound endorses the Governor’s proposed cap-and-invest policy to reduce […]

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Weekly Update: Starting 2023 with a Bang!

Restoration projects receive impressive support from Congress  Our region’s environmental champions in Congress came through for the Sound! Three of our ecological restoration projects and one Long Island Sound-wide program have received federal funding in the 2023 spending package passed last month. We are thankful to Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from New York and Connecticut’s Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris […]

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2022 Year in Review: Landmarks

Our 50th year has been a momentous one at Save the Sound! We marked not only that anniversary, but also the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the 35th of the Soundkeeper program, and the 20th of our CT Cleanups. In October, longtime Board member Barbara David retired from our Board and Curt Johnson […]

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Weekly Update: Six Lakes, 48 Lobster Pots, 400k Herring

Six Lakes, One Vision: Resolution passes Hamden Legislative Council Most people who live in Hamden, Connecticut haven’t seen the wide paths that meander through an old-growth forest or the placid ponds that are home to ducks and swans at Six Lakes. Many aren’t even aware that this 102-acre parcel exists, hidden in plain sight between […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound, Partner Organizations Urge State to Protect Water Quality in New York City

Clean water advocates call for health-based standards to ensure coastal waters are safe for public use  Albany, NY — The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic submitted comments on behalf of Save the Sound, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Riverkeeper to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) that strongly urge the agency to set […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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