Sewage pollution in Westchester demands legal action

We hoped it wouldn’t come to this. But Long Island Sound can’t wait any longer.

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New Yorkers: Sign Up for Sewage Overflow Alerts

Did you know sewage overflows have likely happened in your community? To find out when and where future overflows occur, sign up for text, emails or phone alerts from NY-ALERT (sign-up instructions below).

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Hands in the ground: help us build a rain garden

Have you ever wanted to create a Rain Garden, but don’t know how? Now is your chance to learn!

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99 sewage spills. Where do they come from?

There have been 99 documented sewage spills in Westchester since 2010…and still counting.

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Save the Sound’s legal complaint alleges health risks and environmental harm from repeated release of untreated sewage.

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Is your beach safe for swimming?

Our new interactive map explores health of beaches around the Sound

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Save the Sound starts summer water quality monitoring and beach alerts

Efforts will increase knowledge about water pollution in Westchester, Nassau, and Greenwich

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Westchester County: Stop the Sewage Overflows that Pollute the Sound

For over a decade, state, county, and municipal officials have failed to effectively address sewage overflows and leaking sewer pipes in Westchester County.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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