Press release: NY State Approves Flawed Plans For New York City’s Massive Sewer Overflows

The plans will allow huge amounts of raw sewage to continue flowing into City waters for decades to come, endangering New Yorkers and hindering restoration efforts in Long Island Sound.

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Press Release: Water advocates mark World Water Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 21, 2017 Water advocates mark World Water Day   HARTFORD, CONN. – Eight organizations from across Connecticut are coming together to celebrate water on United Nations World Water Day, March 22.    Clean Water Action, Connecticut Fund for the Environment and its bi-state program Save the Sound, Connecticut River Watershed Council, […]

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Your Legal Watchdogs

With your support, we’re fighting to stop water pollution in our rivers and the Sound and to protect precious landscapes and wildlife habitat. Here’s the latest news on just a few of our most critical projects. Saving Plum Island CFE/Save the Sound and six other organizations and individuals filed suit in July against the Department of […]

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Launching phase two of the Beardsley Zoo green infrastructure project

Save the Sound is thrilled to launch phase two of green infrastructure retrofits at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo! In 2015 we partnered with the Beardsley Zoo to bring to life phase one of their Green Infrastructure Long-Range Plan, which identifies opportunities for managing stormwater runoff produced by the zoo’s parking lots. As a part of this […]

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CFE Sues Danbury for Sewage Pollution

The City of Danbury has been releasing raw sewage and other chemicals into local waterbodies for more than five years.

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Your Legal Watchdogs

With your support, we’re fighting to stop water pollution in our rivers and the Sound and to protect precious landscapes and wildlife habitat. Here’s the latest news on just a few of our most critical projects. Saving Plum Island CFE/Save the Sound and six other organizations and individuals filed suit in July against the Department of […]

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Green Infrastructure in New Haven: Bioswales and the West River

the Edgewood School bioswale is boosting the ecosystem’s resilience while improving the West River’s water quality.

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Tigers and Rivers and Rain Gardens, Oh My! Green Infrastructure on the Pequonnock River

It’s World Water Week 2016 and thought leaders from around the world are gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, for the annual collaborative water conference. Designed as a place for innovators and decision makers to share ideas and develop solutions to the world’s water-related challenges, this year’s conference focuses on water for sustainable growth. Each year, our […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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