On the cold, crisp early morning of November 14, 2019, participants in the Unified Water Study (UWS) began to arrive at Earthplace in Westport, CT, ready to drop off their scientific equipment and close out the 2019 monitoring season. Sixty-two attendees representing twenty-two monitoring groups and key study partners gathered for the 2019 UWS Summit, […]

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2019 Rain Garden Recap

2019 may come to be known as the year that rain gardens reached a tipping point here in Connecticut. Not only did an unprecedented number of rain gardens get planted in the New Haven area, but interest in this particular type of green infrastructure is growing across the state. CFE/Save the Sound worked with dozens […]

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Save the Sound Comments on the Suffolk County Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan and Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement

Ken Zegel, PE Associate Public Health Engineer Suffolk County Department of Health Services Dear Mr. Zegel, On behalf of Save the Sound, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting and restoring Long Island Sound and its tributary waterways, please accept these comments expressing our strong support for the Suffolk County Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan (SWP) and […]

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Mount Vernon’s Neglect Puts Residents at Risk

A report from Tracy Brown, Director, Save the Sound You may recall, I first addressed this issue five years ago, when Save the Sound was made aware of untreated wastewater (including sewage) flowing from the city of Mount Vernon into the Hutchinson and Bronx Rivers that continues downstream into Eastchester Bay and Long Island Sound, […]

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BEACH REPORT: 200+ LIS Beaches Get Their Water Quality Grades

TOP 20 LONG ISLAND SOUND BEACHES BASED ON BEST WATER QUALITY HIGHLIGHTED IN BEACH REPORT FROM SAVE THE SOUND  10 Years of Data Show Water Pollution Patterns Differ by Beach and by Region; Troubling Trends in Wet Weather MAMARONECK, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut — August 2, 2019 – The nonprofit organization Save the Sound released results of its […]

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Using the L.A.W. to protect Land, Air, and Water (July legal update)

CFE/Save the Sound Senior Legal Counsel Roger Reynolds gives an update on how we’re using the law to protect your environment at this key moment: I have no doubt that in the future we will look back on this moment in time and see it as a critical one for the environment—one way or the […]

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PRESS RELEASE: CFE/Save the Sound end-of-session report and comments on legislative victories

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2019   Contact: Laura McMillan – Melissa Schlag – CFE/Save the Sound end-of-session report and comments on legislative victories   NEW HAVEN, CONN. – At the end of the 2019 Connecticut legislative session, Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save the Sound celebrates environmental victories and prepares to fight some […]

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Unified Water Study of Sound Bays and Harbors Enters Its Third Year

On a windy Tuesday morning in May, Elena Colón hauled her twenty-first and final bucket of water from Mamaroneck Harbor into the old stone building at the tip of Harbor Island Park in Mamaroneck Harbor. Each bucket of cold Sound water was used by a different monitoring group, gathering in Mamaroneck for a day of […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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