PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound and Connecticut River Conservancy Push to Uphold Limits on Springfield’s Nitrogen Discharges Polluting CT River and Long Island Sound

Springfield, Mass. – Save the Sound and the Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) filed separate amicus briefs on December 16, 2020, urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) to deny the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission’s (SWSC) appeal of their Clean Water Act discharge permit for the Springfield Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (SRWTF).

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound, Atlantic Clam Farms of CT, and Village of Rye Brook Reach Sewage Pollution Prevention Deal

For Immediate Release: November 24, 2020 Contacts: Laura McMillan, Save the Sound Collaborative discussions yield proposed consent decree with clean water and public health benefits Rye Brook, New York – Save the Sound, Atlantic Clam Farms of CT, and the Village of Rye Brook have reached a settlement that will reduce water pollution and […]

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164 Sewage Spills in Westchester and counting…

There have been over 164 government-documented sewage spills in Westchester County since 2010. That’s approximately one reported spill every three weeks, and we know of many more that have gone unreported.

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PRESS RELEASE: Bacteria Testing Reveals Chronic Issue of Fecal Contamination in Western Sound

Today, Save the Sound released the results of its 2020 bacteria water quality monitoring from 61 sites in Westchester, Queens, and Nassau Counties in New York, and Greenwich, Connecticut. All samples were analyzed in Save the Sound’s lab for fecal bacteria levels associated with sewage and pathogens that can make people sick. Overall failure rates were highest in rivers where 74% of river samples failed, compared with 34% of those collected from bays and harbors, and 12% from shoreline locations.

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Charting CT’s climate path: GC3 workgroup reports

The Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3) is charged with figuring out how to turn Connecticut’s climate goals into an actionable path. Save the Sound’s president sits on the Council, and our climate and energy attorney, ecological restoration director, and Soundkeeper have each been helping shape that path. Seven workgroups have spent the last year […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound & Darien Reach Sewage Pollution Prevention Deal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 8, 2020 Contacts: Martin Hain, Save the Sound,, Laura McMillan, Save the Sound, 540-292-8429, Ed Gentile, Town of Darien, Director of Public Works, 203-656-7346 Save the Sound and Town of Darien Reach Sewage Pollution Prevention Deal Collaborative discussions yield proposed consent decree with clean water, public health, and open space […]

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PRESS RELEASE: 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card Raises Concerns about Water Quality of Local Bays and Harbors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 6, 2020 Contact:  Burns Patterson – HudsonPR – – 917.575.9155 Download the 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card Landmark Report Reveals Results of First-Ever Unified Water Study of Area Bays MAMARONECK, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut — October 6, 2020 – The regional nonprofit organization Save the Sound released results of […]

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An Eye in the Sky: Using Drones to Collect Aerial Data at Potential Ecological Restoration Sites

In the past few years, small drones have become extremely popular among hobbyists as well as scientists and engineers. While there’s a lot of discussion to be had about the use of hobby drones, we are exploring their potential in monitoring the progress of ecological restoration.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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