Long Island Sound Citizens Summit is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the 22nd annual Long Island Sound Citizens Summit and we at CFE/Save the Sound are excited for what is going to be a great day of presentations and discussions.

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Where Did the Plastic Pellets Found in Mamaroneck’s Harbor Island Park Come From?

A higher than normal flood tide that rose over the seawall dropped an unusual bit of flotsam at Mamaroneck’s Harbor Island Park in late February: tiny, white, plastic pellets, like tapioca. A million of them, by Katherine Desmond’s rough estimate.

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Council on Environmental Quality Report Shows No Major Improvement or Decline in 2012

What was the condition of Connecticut’s environment like in 2012? That’s a good question and one that the Council on Environmental Quality explores in its newly released 40th edition of Environmental Quality in Connecticut.

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How Soon Will We See Improvement in the Water Quality of Long Island Sound?

Every time we give a presentation about hypoxia and the Long Island Sound cleanup, we are asked some variation of the same question:

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NY Events Planned to Discuss Coastal Resiliency

The challenge of protecting the shoreline against coastal storms is attracting plenty of attention this spring.

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Wards Island Completes Upgrade, Removing Half the Nitrogen in its Waste

The biggest sewage treatment plant impacting Long Island Sound recently completed an upgrade that is expected to lead to a significant improvement in the western Sound’s water quality.

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Rain Garden Project Launches in Southington

Save the Sound has been busy gearing up for the Quinnipiac River Watershed Groundwater Restoration Project.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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