It’s Earth Day!

It’s a busy Earth Day for Connecticut’s  air, land, and water and for Long Island. Check out our press release of the exciting events this week, then keep reading for some Earth-friendly tips!

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Guest Post: Citizens Summit builds on work of Clean Water / Jobs Coalition

David J. Miller, creator of Listen to the Sound and the Clean Water Jobs Coalition, details the history of nitrogen reduction in Long Island Sound and important collaborations still active today.

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Press Release: Save the Sound Grades NY Sewage Treatment Plants

Save the Sound Grades New York’s Sewage Treatment Plants Plants Must Reduce Nitrogen to Long Island Sound by 2017 to Heal Dead Zone

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Faulty Flood Insurance leaves Coastal Communities in Over Their Heads (Part 2)

Part two looks at which of Connecticut’s coastal communities struggle with flooding damage, what it’s costing us, and how we can improve the situation. Read part one here.

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A Legislative Session Update

The first two months of Connecticut’s legislative session have been busy and productive. Here’s a summary of where our top priorities stand going into the final month.

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Guest Post: Citizens Summit to Look from Past to Future of the Sound

Dr. Drew Carey of WaterVision provides a history of Sound management and urges citizens to join him at the Long Island Sound Citizens Summit to forge the latest chapter in the Sound’s great legacy. 

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Faulty Flood Insurance leaves Coastal Communities in Over Their Heads (Part 1)

After a decade of destructive storms, the National Flood Insurance Program is $24 billion in debt. Fixing it requires new mindsets in Washington and on the shore. Part one looks at NFIP and where it fails.

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The 97%: Near-unanimous consensus on realities of climate change

Earlier this week, the American Association for the Advancement of Science released a new report and website called What We Know.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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