Sound Swim Alerts

Sound Swim Alert: Beautiful Swimming for July 4th Weekend!  The third season of our Sound Swim Alerts starts this weekend with good news: Long Island Sound beaches are open in Westchester County, Nassau County, and Greenwich. 

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Photo Journal: Sunken Meadow State Park marsh planting

Nearly 60 volunteers and 10 coordinators braved the muddy conditions to plant over 3000 plants over 3 hours. This is part of an ongoing process with the goal of converting 1 acre of mudflats into salt marsh, a feat calling for 12,000 individual cordgrass plants.

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Save the Sound starts summer water quality monitoring and beach alerts

Efforts will increase knowledge about water pollution in Westchester, Nassau, and Greenwich

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Vermont Takes Action on Nitrogen Pollution

New law underlines the need for a comprehensive Long Island Sound diet.

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Georges Bank on the Habitat Chopping Block

Written by our friends at CLF, this blog discusses how Georges Bank could lose its critical habitat protections.

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Westchester County: Stop the Sewage Overflows that Pollute the Sound

For over a decade, state, county, and municipal officials have failed to effectively address sewage overflows and leaking sewer pipes in Westchester County.

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Save the Date: International Coastal Cleanup – September 19th, 2015!

Save the Sound is busy gearing up for the 30th annual International Coastal Cleanup! This year’s “Big Day” is right around the corner on September 19th, which will also include additional cleanups throughout the months of September and October.

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Put Long Island Sound on a Nitrogen Diet

Fish, turtle die-offs sign of massive nitrogen pollution in the Sound and bays

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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