Press Release: First Cleanup Report Highlights the Data and Impact of the Past Six Years of the Connecticut Cleanup

Save the Sound is committed to a trash-free Connecticut. We have been Connecticut’s coordinating organization for The Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup for the past 20 years, and each year we are able to make a larger impact. In our first Connecticut Cleanup Report we showcase this effort, which has been made possible by thousands […]

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Celebrating and Restoring Our Wetlands

Marsh. Bog. Swamp. Fen. May is American Wetlands Month, a time to recognize these incredibly productive and diverse ecosystems. Across the Long Island Sound region, wetlands perform vital functions that serve the ecosystem and people. Coastal marshes protect our communities from storm damage by dispersing wave energy and storm surge, and serve as nurseries for […]

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Weekly Update: Run, fish, run!

The Spring Fish Run is Underway!  Since 2005, Save the Sound has opened 107 river miles through multiple dam removal and fishway installation projects in the Long Island Sound region. While 107 miles is impressive, the true measurement of ecological impact comes from on-the-ground fish monitoring before and after a restoration project, a task that […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound Applauds CT AG Tong’s Letter on Plastic Microfiber Pollution

NEW HAVEN, CT — Save the Sound commends the leadership of Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, who led a coalition of 16 attorneys general in delivering a letter today to the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration calling on the agencies to address the mounting problem of plastic microfibers present in […]

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The Spring Fish Run is Underway!

Diadromous fish, those that migrate from rivers to open ocean and vice versa to complete their life cycle, need passable waterways for a successful journey. Alewife, a type of river herring native to our region, is an anadromous fish, the kind of diadromous fish that swims upstream from the open ocean into river habitats to […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound supports environmental investments in NYS budget

Larchmont, NY — Thirty-three days after the original deadline, Save the Sound is pleased that the $229 billion New York State budget for Fiscal Year 2024 passed late Tuesday night includes the continuation of significant environmental investments, a promising development for Suffolk County, and one ground-breaking energy policy. Funding will remain at last year’s record […]

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In-Person Preseason Training Prepares Partners for 7th Unified Water Study Season

It all starts with the footwork. “Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart, maybe a little wider,” said Ameera Khan, who went on to detail the proper placement of the dominant hand, and the non-dominant hand, the release, and the follow-through. It was a tutorial in technique that her audience seemed to appreciate. One attendee […]

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NYS Mid-Session Update on Budget and Bills

We’re about two-thirds of the way through New York’s state legislative session. Here’s where our top environmental priorities stand.   Somewhere between the first state budget deadline extension and the second, Governor Kathy Hochul acquiesced. Her push to change the way New York State accounts for methane emissions met such resistance from legislators and environmental […]

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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