Plum Island from My Perspective

by Megan Dear Plum Island is an ecological and historical centerpiece to the animals—including humans—and plants that depend on it. Even though the island is only 840 acres, it has a huge impact on marine and terrestrial wildlife because of its history of being mostly untouched by humans. The flora and fauna native to the […]

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NYS leading on environment as legislative session ends

With the 2019 New York Legislative session now over, Save the Sound would like to share some of the many successes we think are worth celebrating—some of which you helped get over the finish line! Climate Leadership and Community Protection The New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act establishes aggressive, legally binding targets to move […]

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DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Water Responsibly

  We’ve all seen them…lawn sprinklers that spray this way and that, sending water cascading indiscriminately in all directions. Great fun for kids wanting to cool off, but a waste if this is the way you satisfy your lawn’s thirst. Not only do these type of sprinklers unevenly distribute the water, often times they create […]

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DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Have a Smaller Yard

  Have you looked at your house from Google Earth? How much of your property is just grass? How about your neighbors’? It’s probably a high percentage and parts of it most likely go unused. In the 1950s, new housing developments began showing off their properties with manicured swaths of lawn as far as the […]

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Cheering U.S. House Funding for the Sound

Long Island Sound Study Citizens Advisory Committee For immediate release: May 24, 2019 LONG ISLAND SOUND STUDY CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) CHEERS HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS FY2020 INCREASED FUNDING FOR THE SOUND (Stamford, CT) – The House Appropriations Committee approved the fiscal year 2020 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies bill on May 22, expanding the budget for […]

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Unified Water Study of Sound Bays and Harbors Enters Its Third Year

On a windy Tuesday morning in May, Elena Colón hauled her twenty-first and final bucket of water from Mamaroneck Harbor into the old stone building at the tip of Harbor Island Park in Mamaroneck Harbor. Each bucket of cold Sound water was used by a different monitoring group, gathering in Mamaroneck for a day of […]

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DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Stop Fertilizing

  If you really love your lawn, kick the fertilizer habit! Excess nitrogen from fertilizer not only burns your lawn, it also washes into our streams, rivers, and waterways ultimately ending up in the Long Island Sound where it fuels algae blooms that smother fish and are harmful to other important wildlife. Over the last few weeks, […]

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DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Grass Clippings

  Are you one of the many homeowners who rake their yard more often than they sweep their porch? Time to give your rake a break! Besides tearing grass from its roots, raking actually creates open spaces in your lawn for weeds to take hold. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some ways to DO LESS and […]

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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