Answering Water Quality Questions with Community-Based Monitoring

  By Peter Linderoth, Water Quality Program Manager As the sun rose on October 31st, illuminating the calm surface of the Sound, a network of monitoring groups conducted the final dawn monitoring run of the Unified Water Study (UWS) for 2018. Groups interested in participating in this groundbreaking water quality study grew again this year. […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Long Island Sound gets its grades – and they’re looking good!

GOOD NEWS: “LONG ISLAND SOUND REPORT CARD” RELEASED BY SAVE THE SOUND REVEALS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT – TREATMENT PLANT INVESTMENT CITED   MAMARONECK, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut— September 24, 2018 – The non-profit organization Save the Sound released results of the 2018 “Long Island Sound Report Card” on September 24, during simultaneous news conferences in Connecticut […]

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Want to know the grade?

It’s back to school season for Long Island Sound. Anybody who went to school understands a report card. Imagine scientific data galvanizing communities to protect their local waters? Or inspiring elected officials to fund local environmental improvements, and stimulating engineers to devise ways to reduce pollution? The Long Island Sound Report Card aims to do just that […]

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Press Release: NYC Nitrogen Report, East River and Long Island Sound

Nitrogen from NYC wastewater fuels dead zones in the East River and western Sound. Recent investments have improved conditions, but there’s more to do. Our new report, based on research by Prof. Jamie Vaudrey, explains.

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EPA Nitrogen Strategy is Strong Start for Sound

Eight regional organizations celebrate renewed commitment to breathing oxygen back into Long Island Sound waters

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Vermont Takes Action on Nitrogen Pollution

New law underlines the need for a comprehensive Long Island Sound diet.

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2015 Long Island Sound Citizens Summit Recap

The 2015 Long Island Sound Citizens Summit, “Coming back from the Brink: Nitrogen and the Sound’s Health and Economy,” was a huge success thanks to the diverse and informative expert speakers and the highly engaged audience.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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