Legal Progress in Springfield = Cleaner Water for the Sound

Implementation of Long Island Sound Nitrogen Strategy Upheld by EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board This Spring Roger Reynolds, Senior Legal Counsel, updates us on a major step forward to fully restore Long Island Sound: A new nitrogen limit imposed on the Springfield Water & Sewer Commission (Springfield) and other Massachusetts sewage plants represents a significant victory […]

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A Clean Water Victory in Bridgeport!

The partnership between Save the Sound, scientists, and local concerned residents in Bridgeport is paying off, with important wins for clean water! Bridgeport Council voted to approve a “Resolution Approving Financing for the Design, Rehabilitation, Upgrading and Construction of Various Renovations and Improvements to the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plants” by a vote of 14-5 at their April 5, 2021 regular Council meeting.

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound Files Clean Water Act Enforcement Action against the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 11, 2021 Contacts: Laura McMillan, lmcmillan@savethesound.orgMartin Hain, Save the Sound Files Clean Water Act Enforcement Action against the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority Organization argues 2.1 million gallon sewage spill into Mill River violates Clean Water Act New Haven, Connecticut – Save the Sound has filed a Clean […]

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Save the Sound statement: Long Island Sound funding in 2021 Federal Budget

“Save the Sound is overjoyed by the recent Congressional approval of $30.4 million in the 2021 federal budget for the protection and improvement of Long Island Sound. This increase of $9 million from last year clearly represents the commitment of our great representatives in NY and CT to our region. This funding will go towards […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound and Connecticut River Conservancy Push to Uphold Limits on Springfield’s Nitrogen Discharges Polluting CT River and Long Island Sound

Springfield, Mass. – Save the Sound and the Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) filed separate amicus briefs on December 16, 2020, urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) to deny the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission’s (SWSC) appeal of their Clean Water Act discharge permit for the Springfield Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (SRWTF).

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Bunker showing up dead on Long Island Sound shores

This is a dispatch from Long Island Soundkeeper Bill Lucey In November of this year the Sound was full of menhaden. By full I mean we had reports of huge, continuous schools from the Bronx all the way to Watch Hill and over to the North Fork of Long Island and back down to Hempstead […]

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PRESS RELEASE: 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card Raises Concerns about Water Quality of Local Bays and Harbors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 6, 2020 Contact:  Burns Patterson – HudsonPR – – 917.575.9155 Download the 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card Landmark Report Reveals Results of First-Ever Unified Water Study of Area Bays MAMARONECK, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut — October 6, 2020 – The regional nonprofit organization Save the Sound released results of […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Mill River sewage spill shows need for preventative action and prompt public notice across region

New Haven, CT—On Monday, July 6, a section of 30” sewer main in Hamden collapsed. Over the course of the day, as crews scrambled to divert and contain the flow, over two million gallons of raw sewage found their way into nearby storm drains and into the Mill River.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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