Press Release: Preparations Begin at Merwin Meadows Park for Removal of Dana Dam

Save the Sound and the Town of Wilton are gearing up to remove Dana Dam, also known as Strong Pond Dam, this spring to restore fish passage in the Norwalk River. The dam, originally installed by Charles Dana to create an ice-skating and swimming pond for his children in 1940, is the first barrier upstream […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound welcomes Future Frogmen

In 2018, Richard E. Hyman founded Future Frogmen, Inc., a non-profit organization with the mission of empowering high school and college students to be ocean ambassadors and future leaders. Through experiential learning, communication, action, leadership, and exploration, students generated public awareness about the ocean and deepened the connection between people and nature. That mission will […]

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Save the Sound’s response to environmental spending in Governor Lamont’s 2024-25 budget proposal 

“This is my budget, and within it our values, each and every one aimed squarely at economic growth and inclusive opportunity,” Governor Ned Lamont told a joint convention of the CT General Assembly when he presented his 2024-25 proposed state budget on February 8 at the Hartford Capitol.  It includes $198.6 million in FY 2024 and […]

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2022 Year in Review: Landmarks

Our 50th year has been a momentous one at Save the Sound! We marked not only that anniversary, but also the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the 35th of the Soundkeeper program, and the 20th of our CT Cleanups. In October, longtime Board member Barbara David retired from our Board and Curt Johnson […]

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Press Release: Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments and Save the Sound Recommended for Funding to Remove Kinneytown Dam

The US Department of Commerce announced on December 14 that the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG), in partnership with Save the Sound, has been recommended for funding for a project intended to lead to the removal of Kinneytown Dam in Seymour, CT. The funding is being made available through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]

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Press Release: The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Funds Save the Sound’s Westchester County Stream Barrier Inventory Project

Larchmont, NY – The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) in partnership with the Long Island Sound Study, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announced a 2022 round of funding for Long Island Sound Futures Fund (Futures Fund) projects today. The Futures Fund, which supports projects that aim to […]

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Good News for Fisheries

Press Release: Save the Sound Commends NEFMC for Adding River Herring Issue to Priorities for 2023 Larchmont, NY—The members of the New England Fishery Management Council refined the language of priorities important to reducing river herring bycatch on Thursday afternoon, then voted to include them on its list of priorities for 2023. “It’s a great […]

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Press Release: Living Shoreline Project in Queens Receives $2.38 Million from National Coastal Resiliency Fund

Westchester County, NY – Save the Sound has been awarded $2.38 million to support the restoration of an eroding coastline in Queens, NY through the National Coastal Resiliency Fund administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The funds will support the construction of a living shoreline […]

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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