It’s Earth Day!
It’s a busy Earth Day for Connecticut’s air, land, and water and for Long Island. Check out our press release of the exciting events this week, then keep reading for some Earth-friendly tips!
It’s a busy Earth Day for Connecticut’s air, land, and water and for Long Island. Check out our press release of the exciting events this week, then keep reading for some Earth-friendly tips!
Earlier this week, the American Association for the Advancement of Science released a new report and website called What We Know.
Water is always at the forefront of our minds—and never more so than on World Water Day! This year’s theme is Water and Energy. How is water related to energy, you ask? Water is related to almost everything we do!
Connecticut’s landscape contains nearly 5,500 dams, many of them small dams that once served a purpose but are no longer needed and are in bad shape. Removing them can reduce flood risk, help fish reach upstream spawning grounds, and generate jobs for skilled engineers.
What Long Island Sound fish is a hard fighter, voracious eating machine, and plays baseball in Bridgeport, Connecticut?
Several factors causing major issues in Long Island Sound.
While communities are investing heavily to upgrade sewage treatment plants and keep nitrogen out of Long Island Sound, researchers are studying whether mussels and kelp might be effective in removing it once it gets there.