Guest post: How Hempstead Harbor’s clam recovery is fueling the local economy.

Hempstead Harbor becomes NY’s second-highest producer of hard clams, adds nearly $1.36 million in value to local economy, says director of Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee

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Georges Bank on the Habitat Chopping Block

Written by our friends at CLF, this blog discusses how Georges Bank could lose its critical habitat protections.

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Put Long Island Sound on a Nitrogen Diet

Fish, turtle die-offs sign of massive nitrogen pollution in the Sound and bays

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CT 2015 legislative session—victories and unfinished business!

As Connecticut’s legislative session ended at midnight Wednesday, hundreds of bills including some of our priorities fell victim to the clock and lengthy budget negotiations. Despite this, we saw victories for the environment including a Blue Plan for Long Island Sound, transportation funding, and the defeat of a number of bad bills.

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Bride Brook: An Alewife Success Story

Nearly 220,000 river herring have made their way up Bride Brook in East Lyme and into their spawning grounds. That’s nearly three times the average from a decade ago! This year’s count continues Bride Brook’s strong numbers and further proves the success of our 2010 restoration project.

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A Big Win for Forage Fish

In a move praised by both commercial and conservation interests, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) agreed Tuesday to a ten-percent increase to the total allowable catch (TAC) for Atlantic menhaden.

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Overfishing at all-time low, New England lags behind.

Nationally, the status of our fish stocks is very good. However, if we dig deeper into the numbers, we still see serious problems at the regional level, specifically here in New England.

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A Local Angler’s Call to Action: Save the Kensington Fish Hatchery

Kensington helps support a multi-million-dollar recreational fishing industry, educational programs from young students, and thousands of jobs.

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