Weekly Update: Frogmen and Ninjas

Future Frogmen mission to continue through Save the Sound  On a Thursday night in July 2019, Save the Sound co-hosted a screening of Blue Heart, a documentary produced by the Patagonia company about the battle to protect Europe’s last wild rivers from hydropower dams and developers. At that event, Alex Krofta, our ecological restoration project manager, […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound welcomes Future Frogmen

In 2018, Richard E. Hyman founded Future Frogmen, Inc., a non-profit organization with the mission of empowering high school and college students to be ocean ambassadors and future leaders. Through experiential learning, communication, action, leadership, and exploration, students generated public awareness about the ocean and deepened the connection between people and nature. That mission will […]

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Weekly Update: A Passion for Solutions

Doreen Abubakar Leads the Way How Doreen Abubakar Mobilizes People to Make Places  You’ve seen our blog posts highlighting the stories of young environmental leaders working to make positive change in Connecticut and New York. We’re now adding a new storytelling series that highlights the sustainability work of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) […]

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Water, Water Everywhere

On his calendar, the two events were separated by about 38 hours and 220 miles. In actuality, aside from the venues themselves – the vast auditorium-style Hearing Room B at the Legislative Office Building in Albany and the multi-purpose room at Suffolk County Community College Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center in Riverhead – there was […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound files petition to intervene, citing environmental justice hazards at Wheeler Street waste facility

NEW HAVEN—Save the Sound has filed a petition on its own behalf to intervene in the Superior Court case of Murphy Road Recycling, LLC and Airline Avenue Realty, LLC v. New Haven City Plan Commission over environmental concerns at a Wheeler Street solid waste transfer station in the Annex neighborhood of New Haven. Save the […]

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Weekly Update: It’s the Climb

The Slow, Steady Climb Toward Progress on EPF Lobby Day  Somewhere along your second six-story schlep up to the 9th floor of the Legislative Office Building in New York’s state capitol complex, the irony of a “lobby day” dawns on you.   The term suggests a meeting that historically has happened in a lobby (preferably one a […]

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Community Organizer Raises Flood Mitigation Awareness in Stratford

Andreina Barajas Novoa (she/they) is a junior at Southern Connecticut State University double majoring in sociology and political science to increase their understanding of social issues and what could support the collective liberation and wellbeing of all peoples. Andreina was born in New Rochelle, NY and raised in Stratford, CT and is proud of their […]

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Save the Sound’s response to environmental spending in Governor Lamont’s 2024-25 budget proposal 

“This is my budget, and within it our values, each and every one aimed squarely at economic growth and inclusive opportunity,” Governor Ned Lamont told a joint convention of the CT General Assembly when he presented his 2024-25 proposed state budget on February 8 at the Hartford Capitol.  It includes $198.6 million in FY 2024 and […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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