Press Release: Save the Sound disappointed by two of Gov. Hochul’s recent vetoes

Two bills poised to strengthen protections for waters across New York State were vetoed by Governor Kathy Hochul on Friday, forfeiting a critical opportunity to expand defenses after a Supreme Court decision weakened federal protections earlier this year. Class C Streams (S1725A/A4601) sought to reclassify waters used for fishing and boating but not for drinking […]

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Environmental Justice in Mount Vernon: Recap of Our Community Conversation

At the heart of environmental justice is recognizing the right of people to have a real voice in what happens to the place they live. That’s why we’re partnering with other regional and national environmental groups to engage in conversation with residents of communities in the Long Island Sound region that have been impacted—historically and […]

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Love your local election

It may be true that “all politics is local.” It’s also true that elections for local office don’t get the headlines or the hype. Las Vegas sportsbooks don’t offer betting lines on the race for City Clerk in Milford the way they’ve been laying odds on the 2024 Presidential election pretty much since the last […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound reports results of 2023 Bacteria Monitoring Program

Save the Sound’s 10th season of conducting fecal bacteria monitoring in the western Long Island Sound was our biggest yet, with 777 water samples collected. The results from the 2023 monitoring season show that 64 percent of the samples collected across 65 sites from Greenwich, CT, through Westchester County, and into Queens and Nassau County, failed to meet […]

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Climate Explained: Ocean Acidification

Climate issues can be difficult to understand. This series is designed to deliver what you need to know about some of the most prevalent issues in climate policy today. In 1,000 words, let’s learn what ocean acidification means for Long Island Sound.  This article is written by Kaleigh Pitcher, a Policy Consultant at Save the […]

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PRESS RELEASE: With Release of New Water Quality Criteria, Save the Sound and Riverkeeper Challenge DEC to Make NYC Waters Safe for Swimming

In response to the Department of Environmental Conservation’s announcement of new water quality criteria for the waters surrounding New York City and up to the Bear Mountain Bridge, Riverkeeper, the leading environmental organization dedicated to protecting the Hudson River, and Save the Sound, the leading environmental organization dedicated to protecting Long Island Sound, call on New York […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound, Group for the East End, and Peconic Baykeeper Notify Suffolk County Legislature of its Obligation under the Green Amendment to Address Nitrogen Pollution

Nonprofit environmental organizations Save the Sound, Group for the East End, and Peconic Baykeeper have notified the Suffolk County Legislature that its failure to take meaningful action to address nitrogen pollution resulting primarily from outdated and inadequate septic systems violates the Green Amendment of New York’s Constitution. The letter, prepared by PACE Environmental Litigation Clinic, […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound reaches stormwater pollution prevention deal with City of Middletown

NEW HAVEN, CT—Cleaner water bodies in Middletown, Connecticut will be the result of a collaborative agreement reached with the City of Middletown following a lawsuit Save the Sound filed under the Clean Water Act. The proposed agreement was filed by Save the Sound with the Federal District Court and is subject to a 45-day review […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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