Mussels and seaweed have the potential to help clean up Long Island Sound

While communities are investing heavily to upgrade sewage treatment plants and keep nitrogen out of Long Island Sound, researchers are studying whether mussels and kelp might be effective in removing it once it gets there.

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2013 Water Quality: Improved But Still Not Great Off Westchester and Nassau

The results are in: compared to last year, the summer of 2013 on Long Island Sound wasn’t so bad for marine life. Water quality as measured by dissolved oxygen improved over the dismal conditions in 2012 and only a relatively small area  saw drastically low dissolved readings.

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Fridays in the Field #1: Interview with John Hudak of the South Central CT Regional Water Authority

This is the first installment in our “Fridays in the Field” series.

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Save the Sound Releases Mamaroneck Water Quality Testing Data

Significant bacterial contamination at ten locations in and around Mamaroneck Harbor

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Where Did the Plastic Pellets Found in Mamaroneck’s Harbor Island Park Come From?

A higher than normal flood tide that rose over the seawall dropped an unusual bit of flotsam at Mamaroneck’s Harbor Island Park in late February: tiny, white, plastic pellets, like tapioca. A million of them, by Katherine Desmond’s rough estimate.

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Proposed State Budget Reflects Commitment to Clean Water

The Governor has proposed to allocate $997 million to the Clean Water Fund.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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