On Long Island Sound Day, New Pledge Empowers Residents to Save the Sound

We’re celebrating Long Island Sound Day and the official opening of beach season this weekend in style: welcome to our new Long Island Sound Pledge!

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Great Neck Sewage Treatment Plant Fixes Problems, No Longer Violating Clean Water Act

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Long Island Sound Citizens Summit a Success!

Over 90 participants spent a productive day discussing how to preserve Long Island Sound into the future

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Guest Post: Citizens Summit builds on work of Clean Water / Jobs Coalition

David J. Miller, creator of Listen to the Sound and the Clean Water Jobs Coalition, details the history of nitrogen reduction in Long Island Sound and important collaborations still active today.

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Press Release: Save the Sound Grades NY Sewage Treatment Plants

Save the Sound Grades New York’s Sewage Treatment Plants Plants Must Reduce Nitrogen to Long Island Sound by 2017 to Heal Dead Zone

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It’s World Water Day!

Water is always at the forefront of our minds—and never more so than on World Water Day! This year’s theme is Water and Energy. How is water related to energy, you ask? Water is related to almost everything we do!

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Increase NY’s Environmental Protection Fund to Clean Up the Western Sound

Fixing the sewers that are the main reason Westchester’s Long Island Sound beaches close so often is an expensive proposition.

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Don’t Waste CT: Support Laws to Regulate Fracking Waste

Fracking fluid is full of some nasty toxic material. Benzene, lead, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene–these are a few of the two dozen known carcinogens and compounds that can be found in fracking dirty leftovers. Toxic mystery waste does not belong in our state. We need your help to keep it out.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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