Your role in pollution reduction

We are now in the thick of summer. With the extra heat, comes an extra responsibility to help protect our beloved Long Island Sound. Warmer weather aggravates existing problems of water quality and ecosystem health, so here are some ideas as mentioned in the 2016 Long Island Sound Report Card that individual people and families […]

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Legislative drama ends with good, bad and ugly

The 2017 legislative session wrapped up at midnight Wednesday. There were good outcomes, bad outcomes, and some things yet unsettled, but one thing is clear: citizens like you helped tremendously to avert crises and get good policies passed. We couldn’t have done it without you! Here are some snapshots from our legislative experts on bills […]

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Bringing home the bacon for LIS

April 26th was a powerful day for clean water. 18 advocates traveled to Washington, DC to protect Long Island Sound funding. NY Governor Cuomo officially signed the Clean Water Infrastructure Act for investing $2.5 billion. Washington, DC At Capitol, see full list below With Senator Schumer (middle) With Congresswoman Lowey (middle) With LI Sound Congressional […]

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Soundkeeper and CFE/Save the Sound to join forces

“The Soundkeeper will be citizens’ eyes and ears on the Sound’s many bays and harbors, and the Sound’s voice in the halls of government,” said Curt Johnson.

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You’ve got $2.5 billion for clean water!

Tucked inside New York’s state budget for 2017/18 is a not-so-little nugget of gold. $2.5 billion for clean water You’ve heard us talk about the need to #FixOurPipes for years. Because of your support, an unprecedented commitment to clean water has been made in New York. Behind the scenes, Save the Sound has been working tirelessly […]

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Press release: NY State Approves Flawed Plans For New York City’s Massive Sewer Overflows

The plans will allow huge amounts of raw sewage to continue flowing into City waters for decades to come, endangering New Yorkers and hindering restoration efforts in Long Island Sound.

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Pipes get State and Federal Attention

Fixing our pipes has been a siren song for Save the Sound for years. Outdated pipes throughout our region are clearly one of the major culprits in contamination of Long Island Sound. New York State For the past 3 years, we’ve been working with a broad coalition of non-profits like Riverkeeper, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Advocates of NY, […]

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CFE Sues Danbury for Sewage Pollution

The City of Danbury has been releasing raw sewage and other chemicals into local waterbodies for more than five years.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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