Want to know the grade?

It’s back to school season for Long Island Sound. Anybody who went to school understands a report card. Imagine scientific data galvanizing communities to protect their local waters? Or inspiring elected officials to fund local environmental improvements, and stimulating engineers to devise ways to reduce pollution? The Long Island Sound Report Card aims to do just that […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound and White Plains reach legal agreement to solve city’s sewage problems by 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2018 Contact: Laura McMillan, 203-787-0646 ext.137 / 540-292-8429 Leanne Bloom, 914-295-4197 Save the Sound and White Plains reach legal agreement to solve city’s sewage problems by 2020 Mamaroneck, NY – Save the Sound and the City of White Plains have reached an agreement in Save the Sound’s lawsuit against the […]

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2018 End-of-Session Report

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2018 Contact: Laura McMillan – lmcmillan@ctenvironment.org Melissa Schlag – mschlag@ctenvironment.org CFE/Save the Sound end-of-session report and comments on legislative victories NEW HAVEN, CONN. – At this end of the 2018 Connecticut legislative session, Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save the Sound celebrates significant environmental victories and prepares to keep fighting on […]

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You have an agenda…

We’re telling Connecticut legislators YOU want clean air, land, and water! Your representatives go back to work next Wednesday and we are working to ensure they understand you want strong environmental policy. Throughout the session, which runs from February 7 through May 9, we will work with legislators, Governor Malloy, state agencies, fellow organizations, and citizens […]

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The Start of a New Era

By Peter Linderoth, Water Quality Program Manager The inaugural season of the Unified Water Study officially concluded on October 31. The team at Save the Sound enjoyed working with 12 partner groups from around the region as they collected data in 24 bays and harbors. These groups run the gamut from local environmental groups to […]

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Press Release: NYC Nitrogen Report, East River and Long Island Sound

Nitrogen from NYC wastewater fuels dead zones in the East River and western Sound. Recent investments have improved conditions, but there’s more to do. Our new report, based on research by Prof. Jamie Vaudrey, explains.

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Wednesdays are for Water!

Where does our water come from, and where does it go? Our Save Oswegatchie Hills Coalition collaborates with Children’s Museum of Southeastern CT to explain how we can protect our land and water resources.

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Taking on the Trump Administration’s Attacks on the Environment

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the Trump administration are determinedly seeking to dismantle our federal system of environmental protection. That’s why, this June, CFE/Save the Sound filed two lawsuits against the Trump administration.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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