Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law 101

Save the Sound is urging the public and the press to access reports in CT and/or sign up to receive alerts in NY and share them in your community. The Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law (SPRTK) went into effect in May 2013 making information about sewage overflows publicly available. Since that time thousands of […]

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A Time to Honor Vision: Save the Sound on Earth Day 50

Today, Wednesday, April 22, 2020, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Our organization was founded just a few years after Earth Day, with 50 members. It’s humbling to see the restoration of our natural world that they, and you, have made possible since. On this historic occasion, here’s what our president, Curt Johnson, had […]

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Black Rock Harbor Water Quality Summit

Organized by Peter Spain, Ash Creek Conservation Association (ACCA) and Save the Sound, the 1st Annual Black Rock Harbor Water Quality Summit was held with a packed house at the Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture School in Bridgeport, Connecticut on February 26, 2020. The summit gathered area residents, local officials and water quality experts to discuss the current conditions and future improvements in Black Rock Harbor and Bridgeport’s progress in addressing municipal sewage overflows and stormwater mitigation.

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PRESS RELEASE: NYC’s Proposed Sewage Plan Doesn’t Protect Public Health or Environment

      For Immediate Release  March 2, 2020   Martin Hain,, 914-381-3140 Roger Reynolds,, 203-787-0646   NYC’s Proposed Sewage Plan Doesn’t Protect Public Health or Environment NY DEP’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) Recommended Plan Summary for Citywide/Open Waters Fails to Comply with the EPA’s CSO Control Policy and is not […]

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Of Butts and Bags: Cleanup Data Trends 2017-19

2019 was a BIG year for cleanups across Connecticut. More of you turned out than any year since CFE/Save the Sound became the official Connecticut coordinator for the International Coastal Cleanup back in 2002, and together we removed more than three tons of trash from beaches and riverbanks. We are looking forward to building on these […]

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2019 Year in Review: The Difference We’re Making Together

There’s one great truth about our environment: it’s all connected. Streams flow from forested hills to rivers to our drinking water reservoirs or our beaches. Winds blow clean air or smog through our neighborhoods. Fish swim from the Atlantic, through Long Island Sound, and upstream to local ponds to start their life cycles anew. And […]

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On the cold, crisp early morning of November 14, 2019, participants in the Unified Water Study (UWS) began to arrive at Earthplace in Westport, CT, ready to drop off their scientific equipment and close out the 2019 monitoring season. Sixty-two attendees representing twenty-two monitoring groups and key study partners gathered for the 2019 UWS Summit, […]

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Leaves…nuisance or benefit? It’s all in how you approach it.

Every year around this time, we are all enraptured by the beautiful colors that appear as our trees prepare for their winter slumber. For many, this breathtaking sight also triggers anxiety as those many-hued paratroopers descend to the ground en masse. The hours of raking, the hours bagging, the back-breaking carrying to the curb…it’s no […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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