PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound & Darien Reach Sewage Pollution Prevention Deal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 8, 2020 Contacts: Martin Hain, Save the Sound,, Laura McMillan, Save the Sound, 540-292-8429, Ed Gentile, Town of Darien, Director of Public Works, 203-656-7346 Save the Sound and Town of Darien Reach Sewage Pollution Prevention Deal Collaborative discussions yield proposed consent decree with clean water, public health, and open space […]

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PRESS RELEASE: 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card Raises Concerns about Water Quality of Local Bays and Harbors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 6, 2020 Contact:  Burns Patterson – HudsonPR – – 917.575.9155 Download the 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card Landmark Report Reveals Results of First-Ever Unified Water Study of Area Bays MAMARONECK, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut — October 6, 2020 – The regional nonprofit organization Save the Sound released results of […]

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An Eye in the Sky: Using Drones to Collect Aerial Data at Potential Ecological Restoration Sites

In the past few years, small drones have become extremely popular among hobbyists as well as scientists and engineers. While there’s a lot of discussion to be had about the use of hobby drones, we are exploring their potential in monitoring the progress of ecological restoration.

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Connecticut Needs Stronger Public Notification of Sewage Spills

Ongoing Sewage Overflows Pose Serious Public Health Risk Exposure to raw sewage in our waterways leaves people vulnerable to a host of disease-causing pathogens. The EPA estimates that 1.8 – 3.5 million people get sick from swimming, boating, or fishing in fecal contaminated water each year. While most people quickly recover from these illnesses, they […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Mill River sewage spill shows need for preventative action and prompt public notice across region

New Haven, CT—On Monday, July 6, a section of 30” sewer main in Hamden collapsed. Over the course of the day, as crews scrambled to divert and contain the flow, over two million gallons of raw sewage found their way into nearby storm drains and into the Mill River.

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Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides…Oh My!

Pesticides are an enormous group of chemicals designed to kill unwanted insects (insecticides), weeds (herbicides), rodents (rodenticides), fungi (fungicides), and other so-called pests. The problem is, if those chemicals can kill a bug or plant, they can probably cause harm to humans or pets too. Even though pesticides are sprayed on land, many times, they […]

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Is New York State Giving Up on Clean Waterways for New York City?

In 2015, the New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) passed new water quality standards that finally set the goal of making waterways around the city clean enough for the public to safely swim. The new regulation would have forced a significant reduction in the volume of raw untreated sewage that is currently dumped from the city directly into its waterways every time it rains. Today New York State dropped those standards from their regulations, sending us back untold years in our efforts to address insufficient sewage treatment in the city and the water pollution it creates.

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Supreme Court Decision Validates Our Clean Water Act Case and Advances a Sewage-Free Sound

In a stunning decision for nitrogen pollution—a decision that will affect Long Island Sound—the United States Supreme Court has declined to severely weaken the Clean Water Act. The municipal sewage treatment plant operator who has been polluting Maui’s coastline—joined by a chorus of industrial polluters filing amicus briefs—had argued that pollutants in sewage could be […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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