Guardians of Flushing Bay Joins the Unified Water Study

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMAY 3, 2021CONTACT: Martin Hain,; Malaika Elias, Guardians of Flushing Bay Joins the Unified Water Study Mamaroneck, NY – Save the Sound is happy to announce that Guardians of Flushing Bay (GOFB) is the newest member of the Unified Water Study (UWS), making them the 24th group to join! Since its inception […]

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A Clean Water Victory in Bridgeport!

The partnership between Save the Sound, scientists, and local concerned residents in Bridgeport is paying off, with important wins for clean water! Bridgeport Council voted to approve a “Resolution Approving Financing for the Design, Rehabilitation, Upgrading and Construction of Various Renovations and Improvements to the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plants” by a vote of 14-5 at their April 5, 2021 regular Council meeting.

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PRESS RELEASE: CT DEEP Staffing Cliff Threatens Key Protections, Warns Save the Sound Report

Environmental enforcement and public health at risk as valuable staff expected to retire in 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContacts: Laura McMillan,; Maggie Cozens, New Haven, Connecticut – Save the Sound has released a report spotlighting the impending retirement cliff that could see the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection lose a quarter of […]

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Soundkeeper and Legal Team Watchdog Norwalk NPDES Permit Renewal Informational Hearing

On the afternoon of January 14, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) held an informational hearing requested by Save the Sound on the renewal of their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for Norwalk. In attendance were concerned local residents, Save the Sound legal staff, the Long Island Soundkeeper, and […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound Files Clean Water Act Enforcement Action against the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 11, 2021 Contacts: Laura McMillan, lmcmillan@savethesound.orgMartin Hain, Save the Sound Files Clean Water Act Enforcement Action against the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority Organization argues 2.1 million gallon sewage spill into Mill River violates Clean Water Act New Haven, Connecticut – Save the Sound has filed a Clean […]

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Our 2021 Legislative Agenda for New York

Save the Sound Priorities for New York State Fiscal Year 2021-2022 The ramifications of COVID have left many states in the difficult budget position of deciding which programs to support and which to cut, and New York is no different. However, Governor Cuomo has pledged to do his best to keep current levels of funding […]

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Our 2021 Legislative Agenda for Connecticut

Connecticut’s state legislative session began January 6, and will run through June 2. It’s a “long session”—a year our legislators focus on developing the state budget for fiscal years 2022 and 2023, in addition to passing and updating other legislation. This session will look unlike years past in many ways as the continued COVID pandemic […]

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Partnering for Clean Water with the Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon

In 2019, Save the Sound began a partnership with the Environmental Club at the Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon to address water pollution issues in their community, especially the ongoing sewage discharges into the Hutchinson River from old and leaking city sewer lines. Since then, Save the Sound staff has led activities with […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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